Learning Path, LLC: Global Solutions
Providing Inclusive Leadership Development to a Global Market
Elevate your organizations agility, financial performance, innovation and teamwork. Our consulting services, best-in-class workplace strategies for learning and Leadership Development and training improve engagement, retention, and brand equity.
We’re Learning Path, LLC, and we’re here to help your business grow. Since our founding in 2005, we’ve guided countless clients to help them achieve their unique business goals. Using our proven end-to-end methods we’ll equip you and your organization with a plan to succeed. You can count on our team to give you the best insights towards your future. Join us today.
Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Plus
Equip your people leaders with the tools they need to thrive in this age of disruption. Cultural Competency is not an option.
We help people grow
How do you win the hearts and minds of your people? How do you know when to give feedback versus when to coach or mentor? One thing that has not changed is people want to be developed. But how can you develop others if you have not done the work to develop yourself?
Continuous learning from the inside out is the the Learning Path journey.
Diversity is a given. Inclusion is a practice. Equity is an outcome. The inclusive leader is inspiring to all. People feel included when they feel seen, heard, and respected. This requires much from leaders. At Learning Path we help equip Leaders for the job, the life, and the reality of a diverse workforce.
Learning Path, LLC will help define, equip, and empower your leaders to lead; and often that is learning how to follow. Great leaders know their people and value them without fear of loss, lack, or doubt. They trust and are trustworthy.
With amazing custom and off the shelf content. Virtual, elearning, blended and face to face learning. Some call us the "Course Whispers." We help you build the critical leadership skills and organizational capability needed for success in our rapidly changing world of work.
Learning Strategy Planning
We examine your current learning strategy and performance gaps. Through data analysis and partnering with you we clarify client/organizational needs and opportunities to evolve or address performance gaps/needs.
Instructional Design
e-learning, ILT, VLT
Provide innovative learner-centric design solutions that address client needs while aligning to operational budgets
Course Overview's
Leadership Development, Practicing Inclusion, Inclusive Operations, Crucial Conversations, Antiracism, Diversity, Allyship, Communication, Cultural Competence
Master Facilitation
Facilitating leadership development and DEIB workshops is an art and a science. Our facilitators are seeped in the subject matter, the art of facilitation and are learner centered every step of the way.
Virtual and In-Person
Our facilitators know the wisdom lies within the participants. Our staff of Master Trainers know how to pull, not push insights and information from learners. Live or virtual we connect and facilitate a courageous, yet safe space for learning. At Learning Path, LLC, we bring incredible expertise to facilitation helping your people develop the skills they need to help build your business and remain competitive. Contact us to implement your virtual or in person training.
New Learning!
This new blended learning solution from Learning Path will equip your people leaders with the essential skills to overcome communication barriers, increase cultural competence and cultivate a culture of rapport, trust, and effective teamwork.
Values, Inclusion, Allyship, Diversity
Creating Cultures of Belonging
Strategic Planning Session
We meet you where you are. Building inclusive cultures begins with trust. The competencies of inclusive leadership are also the competencies of successful leaders. We partner with you to determine your goals, organizational readiness, systems, and a strategy aligned with the operational budget.
Courageous Conversations
Talking about race, supremacy, sexism, sexual preference, gender identity, politics, being differently abled in organizations constructed for ableism is not easy. We are professionals at facilitating these conversations. Bringing together different perspectives, and leaving with greater understanding and empathy is our goal and our experience facilitating these conversations.
Inclusion, Diversity, Managing Bias and Allyship Curriculum
Creating Cultures of Belonging
Practicing inclusion means practicing the
behaviors that communicates "You Belong Here."
Now more than ever we live, work, play and learn with people who look, think, and have different beliefs than we do. Diversity is increasing with every generation and our ability to embrace and communicate effectively, across differences, is a skill, and can be learned. People leaders are on the front line. Yes, inclusion is everyone’s responsibility, but people leaders carry a greater weight. Research shows an employee’s direct supervisor, is the greatest contributor to an employee’s sense of belonging or exclusion.
Creating Cultures of Belonging
The Creating Cultures of Belonging curriculum is a series of five 3.5 hour workshops delivered in a brain (and body) friendly framework. The courses are spaced every three weeks for maximum practice and integration between classes. Participants will experience research and neuroscience grounded content, learner centric practices, and adult learning methods to engage individually, in paired groups, and small groups, both in and between workshops
Participants will:
Experience Innerleadership as an anchor to do the work of inclusion
Practice building empathy muscle
Learn and practice reflective listening
Assess dimensions of diversity and the impact and influence in ones personal and professional lives
Explore bias and the brain
Practice recognizing and interrupting bias or exclusion
Broaden perspective through self-directed education
Learn to champion inclusion through Allyship
Please attend with a willingness to be stretched, to sit with discomfort, to be vulnerable and authentic. With openness to mindfulness, empathy, curiosity, practice and sharing experiences you will leave this process further along the continuum to becoming an inclusive leader. Better equipped to infuse inclusive behaviors throughout your organization and foster a feeling and culture of belonging. The secret sauce of organizational capability.
Curriculum Pre-requisite
The work of inclusion begins with you. Hence, Creating Cultures of Belonging (CCOB) begin with Innerleadership. Defined as the ability to observe your thoughts and act with agency, supported by your values and an inner knowing that you will be alright no matter what.
This course is designed to empower you and help equip you to deal with inner resistance, stress, and the anxiety practicing inclusion, managing bias and learning to be an anti-racist are prone to evoke. Resilience begins within. The design is collaborative, experiential, and skill based. It includes researched based assessments, practice, feedback and individual and group reflection. The learner-centric workshops engage the group before, during, and after the course.
Learning organizations exist when people engage in continuous learning. We all have a comfort zone, panic zone and a learning zone, which is located between the extremes of comfort and panic. Innerleadership equips participants with tools and strategies to stay in their learning zone.
Learning Goals
•Describe Innerleadership and its three Superpowers
•List the skills necessary to practice inclusion
•Identify your cultural context
•Practice using one simple question to practice curiosity and increase self-awareness
•Use mindfulness practices to pause and reflect
•Describe how to use your values as a bridge to understanding across differences
•Use the three superpowers of self-awareness, mindfulness and your values as a foundation to practice inclusion
Diversity & Authenticity, The Power of Differences
Leverage the Power of Differences
Diversity & Authenticity, The Power of Difference, provides a broad definition of diversity; inclusive of everyone. The course helps participants identify and embrace diversity and authenticity as their superpower. The course will help you tap into the superpowers of your team.
Diversity & Authenticity, The Power of Differences examines diversity, privilege, and diversity dimensions that impact inclusion, access, power, and belonging.
Providing experiential learning methods to identify the value of diversity, and leverage privilege to support inclusion.
Learning Goals:
Define diversity and why valuing diversity matters
Describe what authenticity is an isn’t
Share what is authentically you
Identify and address barriers to valuing diversity and authenticity
Practice reflective listening as a way to build trust and value diversity
Recognize how education impacts our worldview
Assess the diversity in our lives and the impact
Create an action plan to increase your exposure and understanding of different ways of being in the world
Managing Bias
Course Goals
​We all have biases. It's just part of the human condition. Bias, both conscious and unconscious impacts our behavior and decision making with and without our permission. Managing Bias focuses on learning to recognize and address bias. It does not seek to convince participants that they are bias. Instead, participants experience their own bias.
Learning to manage biases that create exclusion is a skill anyone can learn. It does require the willingness to examine our perspectives and how they were shaped. To make more of our unconscious, conscious. If you want a more inclusive organization, where people feel included and united around the achievement of shared business goals, where people feel valued and willing to expend their discretionary effort to achieve those goals, this course is for you.
Define bias and implicit bias
Experience your brain’s propensity for bias
Recognize the subtle messages of implicit bias
Practice surfacing bias
Identify ways to practice self-compassion and manage the guilt, shame and grief that surfaces while making unconscious bias conscious
Explore some ways implicit bias shows up in the workplace
Practice 5 strategies to interrupt bias
Create an action plan to increase your ability to recognize and address bias
Practicing Inclusion
Practice behaviors that communicate you belong and are valued
This workshop provides opportunities for people leaders to consider their own and their direct reports’ experiences feeling included or not. Introduces the C.U.P. conversational model to build the trust needed to create a culture of belonging. Gives participants practice building the skills of empathy, compassion, and
courage. Provides reflection and small group discussion time to identify ways to lean into other’s experiences
Learning Goals:
Connect with the feeling of exclusion​​
Develop your Inclusion Spidey-Sense​​
Identify your role as an inclusive leader​
Use a framework for inclusion to notice where your people are at​​
Identify who needs support and why​​
Practice having courageous conversations to address situations and interactions that aren’t inclusive​​
Reflect and take action
Be the Ally
Expand who you help
You can make a difference. Allyship is an intentional act to include, uplift, and/or advocate for someone from an underrepresented or marginalized group. This blended solution will equip you to make a difference.